The 411 on Redwood Planters

Most of us have been inside for the past few weeks as winter has extended it’s stay
in California this year. Bundling up and avoiding the cold won’t last forever though!
Looking forward to when spring has finally sprung can always help us get through the last
few chilly winter weeks. Maybe your mind is on the beach, maybe it’s ready for days at the
lake. Well the crew here at KP and Son’s is thinking about days in the garden.
We are excited to use some of our own material for some beautiful, efficient, and
cost effective planter boxes. With simple designs available all over the internet it’s easy to
find a design that works for your skill level and fits your yard landscape. While cheaper
alternatives may exist, it ends up biting back in the end needing a replacement sooner than
hoped. With high quality redwood many folks find they’ve got a long lasting beautiful
accent to their garden space.
Redwood is naturally resistant to rot and decay which is essential when considering these
planter beds need to be in contact with wet soil for prolonged periods. Redwood is also
bug resistant offering a protective barrier from those potential infestations from
underneath. Whether you leave the bottom of your planters exposed, install some wire
mesh for gopher protection, or give it a solid floor the choice and style is yours. If you are
looking for 2×12 to create an in ground veggie bed, or a raised planter using 1×6 we’d be
happy to supply your gardening lumber needs this spring season.

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